Monday, June 21, 2010

Bitter Gourd

Walaueh......... was the first word that came out from my mouth when my mom-in-law (MIL) showed me these wonderful gourds....LOL.. But seriously, this is not laughing matter man..... just look at the pics that I have uploaded. It's so green and fresh. And it's huge...too. :)

MIL was so proud of her prized possession that she was smiling from left to right ear leh.....:) Me being her son-in-law (SIL) surely didn't disappoint MIL.....but true enough nothing except the truth ...I was really impressed. Cause I personally do love eating bitter gourd.... no matter how bitter it'll make me..LOL :)

So what's the secret??? Well MIL dumped the seeds into her little plantation and viola..... that's it, it just grow grow grow and GROW..... It curls around across zig-zag the fence until MIL's neighbout wanted to chop it off thinking it was overgrown grass or something like that..... STOP!!! MIL shouted telling her neighbour not to mess with her plant. OK OK back to the bitter gourd story....

Just need really good soil in order to 'turbo charged' the growth...ahahaha.... Yeah... really... cause that's all it takes my MIL to grow her very first bitter gourd.. and viola ..... No pesticide or insecticide or growth hormones was it makes it!!! Yay!!!!

Just takes around 3-4 weeks to churn out the first product....LOL. And....there's more....MIL started to grow other stuff too..........cili padi, vege, etc..... Tune in for more later......

So so so........who says you can't grow anything in your garden? I will probably start mine as soon as I fence up my garden - I have 2 dogs and they can be disastrous.

OK for now... for those who'll follow my MIL interest..... all the best and best of health.


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